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Worshipping the feet of the Guru and the Lord is an ancient tradition that Bhagavan himself has encouraged many times. The significance and importance of Padhuga worship was displayed in the Ramayana itself when Bharatha asked for the the Padhugas of Lord Rama. He placed the sacred Padhugas on the throne as a symbol of Lord Rama ruling the kingdom of Ayodhya. Likewise, worship of the Padhugas is fully equivalent to the worship of the physical feet of Bhagavan . Swami himself has stated that:

Wherever my Padhugas are worshipped, I shall be there myself. Padhuga worship is very sacred.

The Padhugas installed and worshipped at Sai Illam have a special story.The Padhugas were purchased in India, and before being brought to Canada, it was decided that the Padhugas be consecrated and worshipped at Prasanthi Nilayam itself . Incidently, it was also the time of the 1996 Padhuga Mahotsavam at Prasanthi, and the Padhugas were graciously given the opportunity to be a part of the function. In fact, Swami himself had sternly ordered a Seva Dal member to bring our Padhugas to the very first row! The Pooja was done in the very immediate Divine Presence. Finally after the function, Swami himself graciously came forward, and blessed the Padhugas with his divine touch! These Padhugas were the only set Swami personally blessed that year. Therefore, having these Padhugas at our centre is indeed the greatest of all blessings. Above all, devotees have the opportunity to touch and ritualistically worship these Padhugas everyday at Sai Illam.



In the year 1997, many devotees had the wish to install a Moorthy of Shirdi Sai Baba at Sai Illam for regular worship at the centre. 

Accordingly Swami granted that wish, and we were given the opportunity to purchase a small Shirdi Baba Moorthy at Shirdi itself. During those years, the name and fame of Shirdi Baba was not as popular as it is today. Shirdi was a humble hamlet, and the temple complex did not house overwhelmingly large crowds as it does today. After the purchase of the Moorthy, we were given the opportunity to consecrate the Moorthy at Shirdi itself! The priests were ever-so loving and gracious that they performed the very first pooja to the Moorthy on the iconic stone on which Baba himself used to sit on! It was indeed another great blessing.

The Moorthy was later installed at Sai Illam on Maha Shivaratri day of 1997 and has since been worshipped traditionally . Again, all devotees have the opportunity to ritualistically worship the sacred Moorthy at Sai Illam everyday.


In the year 2002, efforts were made to produce a Golden Vel (Spear - a divine representation of Lord Muruga) for regular worship at Sai Illam. For one year, reverential poojas were conducted at various homes of devotees, and 108 sovereigns of gold (nearly 1kg) was finally collected to make the Vel. Pooja and worship of the Vel is done on special days dedicated to Lord Muruga, and many devotees often praise that the "Sai Illam Vel" is very sacred due to the many miraculous incidents that led up to its consecration.

Later in the year 2007, three bronze Moorthys of Lord Muruga (Muthukumaraswamy) and his two consorts (Valli and Devasena) were installed at Sai Illam, again as an answer to the wish of many devotees. The Murugan Mandapam is situated right next to the main Altar.



Right when one enters Sai Illam, one is greeted by Lord Ganesha himself, as is so in Prasanthi Nilayam. This particular Ganesha Moorthy was made from Green Marble in Jaipur, and brought to Canada in 2007. The Moorthy was consecrated on Ganesha Chathurthi Day of 2007, and his Mandapam was made shortly after. Ever since, Lord Ganesha has been welcoming devotees into Sai Illam.




In the year 2013, an increasing number of devotees had expressed their wish to install a larger Moorthy of Shirdi Sai Baba at the centre for Daily Worship. Hence, from the November of 2012 onwards, Thursday Bhajans began (a part from the regular Friday Bhajans) as a form of Sadhana to ensure that Baba's Moorthy would be installed on Vijaya Dasami Day of 2013. For many months though, not much progress was made to ensure that the Moorthy would arrive in Canada on the proposed date. But after a miraculous turn of events, Baba's moorthy arrived in Canada safely well before the proposed date of consecration. This was also due to the quick aid provided by Dr. K. V. Ramani and brother Sai Ravichandran from the Shirdi Sai Trust, Chennai. Baba's Moorthy was traditionally consecrated on Sunday, October 13, 2013, - Vijaya Dasami Day - and ever since, the Centre has been open on a daily basis for regular Worship.



After the consecration of Shirdi Baba's Moorthy, a wish to have Swami's Moorthy installed at Sai Illam was expressed. Nevertheless, we knew that installing another Moorthy would not be possible; this was mainly due to financial constraints, time constraints, and minimal volunteer support. However, in January of 2014, we were approached by a couple who wished to donate a Moorthy of Swami, that they themselves had made and purchased, to Sai Illam. Completely spellbound and overwhelmed by the miraculous turn of events, we agreed to welcome Swami's Moorthy to Sai Illam.


This Moorthy of Swami was the first one ever to arrive in North America. Mr. and Mrs. Narinder Lal (the couple who sponsored the Moorthy) graciously believed that Sai Illam would be the best abode to house Swami's Moorthy. They finally donated the moorthy to Sai Illam after months of planning, and the Moorthy was re-consecrated at Sai Illam on Tuesday, April 8, 2014 - Sri Rama Navami Day.


Within a span of exactly six months, Moorthys of both Sai's were installed at Sai Illam. Truly we are blessed to be given the opporunity to worship and adore both forms of the same DivineReality here at the centre.


The Ganesha Moorthy installed at the centre of the Main Altar was also donated to Sai Illam by Mr. and Mrs. Narinder Lal. We are forever grateful to them both for their selfless contribution towards the growth of this Centre.


Sai Illam Spiritual Centre re-established itself in Canada in the year 1996. Since then, the centre has grown significantly, and the services rendered to the community have expanded. 

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